The Red River Brigade

The Red River Brigade

The TX/LA/OK/AR Brigade of The American Mountain Men

Traveling the Uneven Ground – A Poem

Traveling the Uneven Ground By Ken Krueger #2012 Lonesome trails, New paths found. Our moccasins tread The uneven ground. Ever in awe Of Nature’s wonder. At ease I am With rain and thunder. A simple life Along the trail Makes modern days Seem weak and pale. A friendly camp A crackling fire. A way of… (read more)

A Ride to the Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous – July 2010

by Kraig Fallwell  #1659 Hiveranno A short while ago, Dick Pieper and I were talking about wanting to go on a  horse ride somewhere. He and Oliver McCloskey had been talking about it too, and had decided to take a trip through Colorado and ride to the Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous. So then it was… (read more)

A Dog in Distress-the Legend of the Daring Nighttime Rescue on the Guadalupe

By Paul “Many Rifles” Laster and Gerry “Lucky” Messmer When Many Rifles and I left civilization behind for our fishing pack-in we had no idea of the danger and adventure that would befall us – a daring, period night time search and rescue operation in snake infested woods and high cliffs along the Guadalupe River…. (read more)

AMM Summer pack-in Fishing Trip Review

By Gerry “Lucky” Messmer and Paul “Many Rifles” Laster Over the June 21-23 weekend, Paul and I hosted a great summer fishing pack-in in Boerne, Texas on the property of the Marquardt Ranch.  I was able to pack-in early Friday morning and find a suitable location above the river overlooking the Guadalupe River.   Paul came… (read more)

More about the AMM

The American Mountain Men is an association of individuals dedicated to the preservation of the traditions and ways of our nation’s greatest, most daring explorers and pioneers, the Mountain Men; to the actual conservation of our nation’s remaining natural wilderness and wildlife; and to the ability of our members to survive alone, under any circumstances,… (read more)

The Red River Brigade

The Red River Brigade of the AMM is made up of brothers from the four states that share the banks of the Red River – Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. There are many different parties within the Red River Brigade, including Bear Lodge Party, Bear Claw Party, M.O.S. (Majority of Scoundrels) Party, Cross Timbers Party… (read more)