The Red River Brigade

The Red River Brigade

The TX/LA/OK/AR Brigade of The American Mountain Men

Posts filed under Legends

The Power of The Revenant

Movie theaters are now flooded with a new mountain man story. Well, not a new story per se, as the story of Hugh Glass is certainly not new, and the 1971 film Man in the Wilderness has taken this subject on before.  From what I have read in Muzzleloader and Backwoodsman, Brother Clay Landry has… (read more)

Traveling the Uneven Ground – A Poem

Traveling the Uneven Ground By Ken Krueger #2012 Lonesome trails, New paths found. Our moccasins tread The uneven ground. Ever in awe Of Nature’s wonder. At ease I am With rain and thunder. A simple life Along the trail Makes modern days Seem weak and pale. A friendly camp A crackling fire. A way of… (read more)

A Dog in Distress-the Legend of the Daring Nighttime Rescue on the Guadalupe

By Paul “Many Rifles” Laster and Gerry “Lucky” Messmer When Many Rifles and I left civilization behind for our fishing pack-in we had no idea of the danger and adventure that would befall us – a daring, period night time search and rescue operation in snake infested woods and high cliffs along the Guadalupe River…. (read more)